Do not use abbreviations or “text talk” IC. Since this server is entirely text-based, you are expected to be able to spell and use grammar reasonably well. Use > << on either end of an electronic communication (such as a comm call), and use on either end when speaking in a different language. Use the Reply function or tag whomever you are interacting with, unless they have specifically asked not to be tagged.
#Crafting dead servers wh the anvils Pc#
You are free to use whatever formatting you wish when describing your PC’s actions or thoughts, but please use “quotation marks” whenever your PC is actually speaking. Staff deserves the right to discipline any user deemed to be disobeying the rules (or spirit of the rules), up to and including permanent bans. GMs reserve the right to say no to anything that does not make narrative or thematic sense. If this does not work, we may adjust the rules or ask the player to leave the server.ġ2. If staff believes a PC is disruptive to the health of the server, we will first try to work with the player to address the issue. Whenever possible, we prefer to directly address these issues instead of punishing everyone by changing the rules. Character optimization is fine, but try to refrain from heavy power gaming or ‘munchkin’ builds. Please refrain from communicating in languages other than English-It makes the server much easier for staff to moderate!ġ1. A PBP game means slow moments at times, so please be patient with others!ġ0.

If you have any questions, please ask in #help-desk or contact a member of staff!ĩ. They are here to make the game as fun as possible for everyone. If you are asked by a staff member to do something, please don’t argue. Please respect server staff and their decisions. Take it to DMs if possible, or notify a Staff member if necessary.Ĩ. Try to avoid prolonged arguments, especially in public spaces. We believe most disagreements or offenses can be resolved in a calm manner, but if the offending behavior persists, notify a member of staff.ħ. Please be civil if someone does offend you, let them know (in a respectful and mature manner) and try to give them the benefit of the doubt that they did not mean to offend/upset you. Please refrain from discussing controversial/polarizing topics like politics, religion, crime, etc.Ħ. Out of character communication that is abusive, harassing, deliberately provocative or intending to upset others, even in casual conversation, will not be tolerated.ĥ. Out of character racism, sexism, or anything of the sort will not be tolerated.Ĥ. Please adhere to the Golden Rule: If you don’t want someone doing it to you, don’t do it to them. Users must be of the Legal Age of Consent to participate in Nar Kaaga Nights.Ģ.